Ideation Training

Ideation Training

The Ideation Training is one of our main tools to help you take the first step when applying in our competition. It is a 2-days event that starts with an introduction about the Entrepreneurship culture and its impact on today’s economy.

Participants are then introduced to many success stories that explains the challenges an entrepreneur may face while developing his startup and following his dream. Next comes the technical part; participants are provided with the necessary knowledge to help them generate startup ideas related to their passion. The second day focuses on helping the participants to understand and develop the Business Model Canvas of their ideas. Last but not least, the participants get to learn the tips and tricks that help them pitch their startup ideas in front of judges and investors. It is truly an amazing experience that everyone should seize. If you wish to enter this Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, and apply in our Rally competition, then this training is your first gateway. APPLY NOW!!
Join The Training

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National Bank of Egypt
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